Application Settings
General Information
In Royal TS V6 we removed the RoyalTS.exe.config XML configuration file. Instead we are now looking for an appsettings.json
file or individual settings in the environment variables.
You can find a sample file appsettings-sample.json
in the installation directory.
Configuration Provider
Royal TS supports different configuration provider to apply the application settings. The order and priority of the configuration providers is:
1. JSON File in Configuration Path (always %appdata%\code4ward)
2. => JSON File in Application Path
3. => Environment Variables
4. => Registry (Current User)
5. => Registry (Local Machine)
Royal TS will read, parse and process the configuration in the above order whenever Royal TS is started. If there are conflicting settings, the configuration provider with the higher priority will overwrite the setting from the lower priority.
JSON File (Configuration Path)
Place a JSON file in the configuration path. The configuration path is always:
You cannot change the configuration path for the appsettings.json
file but you can set the configuration path in the appsettings.json
file for all settings within Royal TS which refer to the configuration path. This is useful when you want to make Royal TS portable.
Here's the sample JSON file:
"RoyalTS": {
"CreateApplicationShortcut": true,
"ShowSplashScreen": true,
"TemporaryFiles": "%TEMP%",
"ConfigurationPath": "%APPDATA%\\code4ward",
"LocalConfigurationPath": "%LOCALAPPDATA%",
"SingleInstanceMode": true,
"TrackSystemHighContrastMode": true
JSON File (Application Path)
Place a JSON file in the application path (install path) where RoyalTS.exe is located. The default path is:
%ProgramFiles%\RoyalTS V6
Create or deploy a JSON file in the above directory with the name:
%ProgramFiles%\Royal TS V6\appsettings.json
Environment Variables
Create environment variables like this:
RTS_RoyalTS__ShowSplashScreen = False
RTS_RoyalTS__ConfigurationPath = C:\somepath\RoyalTS
Please note that the first seperator of the prefix (RTS_) has only one underscore character and the seperator between the object type and the property name (for example ...RoyalTS__ShowSplashScreen) has two underscore characters.
Registry (Current User)
Create the following registry key by script or using group policies:
Registry (Local Machine)
Create the following registry key by script or using group policies:
Default Value: true
Creates an application shortcut in the Windows Start Menu.
Changing the value to False
is not recommended because it may have side effects when Royal TS shows Windows Shell Notifications (Toasts).
Default Value: true
Shows the splash screen when Royal TS starts.
Does not show the splash screen when Royal TS starts.
Default Value: true
Ensures Royal TS opens only one instance.
Multiple instances can be opened. In this case, you can't use rtscli.exe
to automate Royal TS actions.
Default Value: true
Ensures that Royal TS is honoring the high contrast mode from the user setting in the operating system.
Royal TS will ignore the high contrast mode in the operating system and apply standard color schemes.
Default Value: %TEMP%
The path Royal TS is using for temporary files like:
- local file copy when editing files using the File Transfer connection
- dynamic folder scripts
- key files for PuTTY
- temporary VNC files
- browser cache for Web Page connection using Chromium engine
The content of this directory will be deleted when Royal TS is closed.
Default Value: %APPDATA%\\code4ward
The path Royal TS is using for roaming configuration files like:
- settings (Application document)
- license information
- keyboard shortcut configuration
- ribbon customization
- plugin settings
- user specific settings
To make Royal TS portable, make sure you set the configuration path to a directory which is available whenever Royal TS is started.
Default Value: %LOCALAPPDATA%
The path Royal TS is using for local files which are not available when users roam.