Module Script
The Script module can be used to execute scripts on Royal Server or a remote host (depending on the used scripting engine). Additionally, the features "Dynamic Folders" and "Dynamic Credentials" or Royal TS/X are based on this module.
The necessary configuration to talk to Royal Server via Script is described in "Getting Started".
About the Parameter PrimaryOutputMode
The module usually is used by Royal TS/X and in these user interfaces you can choose between a plain text output (like in normal Powershell scripts) and a Grid-output which layouts the returned data nicely in a datagrid. Depending on the script, one or the other is preferable.
Command "ExecutePowershell"
- Script [string]
- HistoryMaxLength [int]
- BufferWidth [int]
- Parameters [string]
- BackgroundColor [int]
- ForegroundColor [int]
- PrimaryOutputMode [int] (0=Grid, 1=Text)
- HistoryMaxLength [int]
- UseSSL [bool]
- IgnoreCertificateErrors [bool]
- AuthenticationMechanism [int]
Execute a Powershell script and return the output as a grid/data table:
$module = "Script" $command = "ExecutePowershell" $argz = @{"Script" = "get-process"; "PrimaryOutputMode" = "0"} $procs = Invoke-RoyalServerCommand -Module $module -Command $command -RoyalServerConfig $config -DestinationHost $destinationHost -DestinationUsername $destinationusername -DestinationPassword $destinationpassword -Arguments $argz $procs.Results[0]
Execute a Powershell script and return the output as a text (console):
$module = "Script" $command = "ExecutePowershell" $argz = @{"Script" = "get-process"; "PrimaryOutputMode" = "1"} $procs = Invoke-RoyalServerCommand -Module $module -Command $command -RoyalServerConfig $config -DestinationHost $destinationHost -DestinationUsername $destinationusername -DestinationPassword $destinationpassword -Arguments $argz #note the way how to work with text/console output